sobota, 10 sierpnia 2013

Steroid Half Life
Steroid Half Life

Steroid Half Life

The term half life is not a new term for drug users. Especially bodybuilders, athletes and sportsmen are quite familiar with this term. In fact, all medicines have half life. Half life is the half of the total time of a drug that it remains in the body or in other words, you can say that half life is the half of the total time that a drug remains active in blood to perform its curative activities. This half life is normally thought about or considered seriously when somebody is optimizing his dose or preparing a schedule for medication so that the unwanted peaks can be avoided.

Every medicine has different half life. It is the chemicals used in the medicine that determine the half life of drugs. Same medicine within same class may have different half life because of its different chemical structure. Every drug, when entered into the blood stream, has to go through three metabolic functions. The total time starts from the very first second you take your medicine and it ends when the last drop of chemical exits. It may take few minutes, or few hours or even few days. The half life of a medicine shows that one half of the drug has been evacuated from the body and is no longer present in blood.

The formula that is used to know exactly what the half life of a drug is as following. First half life takes away 50 % of the whole chemical; the other half evacuates 25 % of the remaining 50 %; the next half will eliminate 12.5 % of remaining 25 %; and in the same way the process will go on until the last half life commonly known as terminal will occur. It is found that the process ends in 8th circle. At this stage the active life of the drug will completely cease, thereby the chemicals of the drug can never be detected in the blood stream. In other words, you can say that you are 100 % free from the remaining of the drugs.

According to some experts, the time period for which you use a specific drug counts a lot in determining the half life of the drug. They do not support their point of view with any solid facts so we are not sure to what extent they are right. However, it is a proved fact that with every dose of a medicine, the half life starts.  

The importance of half life in steroids usage is many times more than its importance in case of any common use drug. It is the best way that tells you when would be you off from the effects of drugs? The half life of steroids tell you that how much time you need to be clear after ending your steroids’ cycle. Normally half life of testosterone is 12 days. This means that the level of this hormone will become down to its half in 12 days from your last dose. In another 12 days (meaning 24 days from the last dose) the level of this drug will decrease up to ¼. This shows that to keep your blood completely free from the impacts of testosterone, you need 48 days from your last dose.

This picture clearly shows that even if you stop using drugs, you are not free from them until all the chemicals of that drug are removed from your blood. This process of removal or evacuation can take many days or even months. The best way to find out the expected elimination time is half life of the medicine. Therefore, if you are going to start a cycle of steroids, you must have a clear idea of its half life so that you can plan how long these drugs should be used and how long you should keep yourself off from these drugs to keep your blood free from the relics of these drugs.

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